Music Player

Music Player Image

Behind the Scenes: Building Music Player in 4 Days

At d-one, we're always looking for ways to push the boundaries of what's possible in app development. Our latest project was an exciting challenge: create a functional music player as a proof-of-concept, and do it fast.

The Goal

Our aim was to showcase our team's design and development prowess by building a user-friendly music player app in record time. We wanted to demonstrate how we could take a single design inspiration and flesh it out into a functional application.

Design Journey

Our design journey began on Dribbble, where we discovered a dashboard design that captured the essence of what we wanted to achieve. Using this as our starting point, our team got to work designing additional screens for key features like favorites, playlist creation, track browsing, and a dedicated trending section.

To bring our designs to life, we leveraged the power of Tailwind CSS. Tailwind's utility-first approach allowed us to rapidly style components and create a cohesive, visually appealing interface with minimal custom CSS.

The end result was a modern design that we couldn't wait to bring to life.

Under the Hood

With our designs in hand, our development team sprang into action. We chose to build the app using Next.js and TypeScript, along with cutting-edge technologies like Zustand for state management and Radix for accessible and customizable UI components.

Putting it All Together

In just 4 days and with a team of three (yeah, like three musketeers), we had a fully-functioning music player app on our hands. The speed at which we were able to design, develop, and deploy the app is a testament to our team's skill and efficiency.

We're thrilled with how the app turned out and couldn't keep it to ourselves. That's why we've made the codebase open-source for anyone to try. We believe in the power of sharing knowledge and hope that others can learn from and build upon what we've created.

Want to Build Your Own Proof of Concept Fast?

Do you have an idea for an app that you want to bring to life quickly? Our team can help you create a powerful proof of concept in no time. We specialize in rapid prototyping and can deliver a fully functional app in a matter of weeks, not months. For a low investment, you can have a polished, production-ready app that showcases your vision and impresses your stakeholders. If you're ready to take your idea to the next level, reach out to us today to discuss your project.

. Let's work. Let's work. Let's work.

together. together. together.

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