
Channeled Image


Channeled is all about making customer interactions easier and more valuable. It transforms routine customer conversations into an organized, actionable strategy. The main idea is to make managing your workspace on platforms like Slack simpler. This allows teams to put their focus on building good customer relationships instead of getting lost in the details. When it was time to get the ball rolling, d-one eagerly embraced the challenge.


We ran into a bunch of challenges, like old code, too many repositories, expensive AWS costs, restrictive Slack API, and AI that hadn't been fully utilized. Rather than let this scare us, we saw it as our chance to turn these stumbling blocks into stepping stones for a big change.


We were ready to tackle these challenges head-on. Moving from a purely Slack-focused application to a user-engaging web application was just the beginning.

As we added more CRM capabilities, we began pushing the boundaries. Channeled was better than ever, and we were ready to take the next step.


We had a rising issue, our codebase was outdated and sprawling. We needed to find a way to consolidate our repositories and make our codebase more efficient. We decided to put a pause on our rapid development, and instead focus on improving our infrastructure.

The answer to all our problems was the move to a monorepo structure. This allowed us to develop both Slack and web-based applications concurrently, boosting our efficiency and supporting consistent code quality. Strict rules and automated testing were implemented to ensure a smooth and consistent development process.


We didn't stop there. It was time to address our cost efficiency concerns. While AWS is incredibly scalable and stable, it comes with a price tag. It was an unnecessary burden to our budget, and we needed to find a way to reduce our costs. We decided to move to to Vercel to host our application and Neon to take advantage of their amazing serverless database.


We had helped raise the bar for code quality and compliance standards. This shift gave us a huge boost in development, it allowed us to focus on what our customers wanted, without getting bogged down in the technicalities. Furthermore, the move to Vercel and Neon paved the way for cost-effectiveness.

Together with Channeled, our team built upon these wins to shape their growth. We hit some tough spots, but we always got past them and continued to push forward.

. Let's work. Let's work. Let's work.

together. together. together.

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We'll get it d-one.

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